HYDE, Colin Anthony aka (Hide Ho, Raw Hyde, Legend)

Passed away tragically as a result of a accident Monday 13, 2018. Aged 68 years. We the Whanau are still numb and still wait for you to come home to us. Darling husband of Jane, much loved father and father in-law of Yvonne, Shayne & Lisa, Tuhi & Makuini and Tabatha. Much loved and adored papa of Stanley, Shakara, (dec) Keanna, Mereana, Sharawn, Michaela, Paige, Karyn, Quade, Ricki-lee, Glacian, and our King Aiden. Will be missed dearly by all his step children, 22 mokopuna, 7 mokopuna tuarua. When will the numbness go away? We miss you so much.
Colin will lay at his home tonight 115 Frasertown Road, Wairoa. On Thursday he will then make his way to Takipu Marae in Te Karaka where he will lay for the night and where his funeral service will be held Friday 17th August 2018 at 11am followed by a private cremation ceremony.