Sunrise: 5 November 1940
Sunset: 19 October 2024
It is with great sadness and heavy hearts that we advise that our beloved father, father-in-law, brother, koro, uncle and friend, Colin Culshaw passed away peacefully at his daughter’s, Angela and son-in-law’s, Ionatana (Jono), home.
Husband to Hazel Culshaw (nee Kaaho) (deceased). Father to Jennifer Anderson, Tama Kaaho, Angela Culshaw-Kaisa, Colin, Jeff Culshaw (deceased) and Sonia Anderson. And beloved uncle dad to Duane Culshaw. Pupz to all his mokopuna and great-mokopuna. Uncle Collie to all his nieces and nephews, Nick to his whanau and dearly loved brother to all his siblings.
We will hold a karakia for Pupz at the Pickering Chapel before taking him to Te Huki Marae, Raupunga at 2:30pm on Sunday.
Nehu will be on Wednesday, 23 October 2024 at 11am and we will then take Pupz on his final journey to Waipapa-a-Iwi Marae, Mohaka. He will be laid to rest at Hiruharama Urupa.