WINTER, Tania Querissa-Lee
Sunrise 13.01.1969 – Sunset 24.01.2021
Passed away peacefully at home on Sunday, 24 January 2021, surrounded by her loving whanau.
Loved partner of Troy. Much loved and adored Mum of Diane and Reg, Aria and Samson, Ariki and Nukumai, Delreen and Doug, Tamihana and Rose, and Kassadi and Rix. Loved mate of Marley Hubbard. Precious daughter of Nellie and treasured sister of Jason and Mere. An amazing Nan to her 30 mokopuna. Respected and loved niece, cousin, aunty and friend.
Tania will lie at her home, 81 Clyde Road on Monday, 25 January 2021. On Tuesday 26 January 2021, Tania will be taken to Taihoa Marae where her funeral service will be held on Thursday 28 January 2021 at 1pm, followed by her interment in the Wairoa Lawn Cemetery.
“You have fought the good fight, You have finished the race, You have kept the faith, You have earned your rest”
Any messages can be sent to 81 Clyde Road Wairoa 4108.