ORMOND, Dardie Mihi Mere (Doi)

Sunrise 23/10/1941 – Sunset 24/08/2022

Whanau of Doi wish to advise the passing of our beloved Mum on Wednesday 24 August 2022 surrounded by her loving whanau, aged 80 years.

Mum has made her journey into the loving arms of her late husband, Frank.  Adored Mum of Parker, Denny, Rod, Jackz and Blackson.  Loving Nan of Parker, Audreyann, Aleisha, Bree, Malakai, Tana, Piper, Shia, Kaitoa, Indy, Raven, and Colt.  Precious Nan Nan of Khalos, Javhan, Korbyn, twins Omana and Noah, Isla and Shania Mae.

Mum will travel home to 162 Newcastle Street Mahia Beach on Thursday 25 August 2022, where her tangi will be held on Saturday 27 August 2022 at 11am.  Her final resting place will be the Mahia Beach Urupa with her Frankie.

Any messages can be sent to 162 Newcastle Street Mahia Beach.

“Fly High Our Mum”