Born 29 March 1936, died 12 March 2022

Pūtahi awa nui, Pūtahi awa iti, ko te Pūtahitanga tēnei o ngā awa, o ngā wairua, o ngā koromiomiotanga. Kua riro atu tēnei uri a Hine Kōrako taniwha, o Takitimu waka, o ōna iwi katoa, arā, ko Ngāti Kahungunu o Te Wairoa, ko Ngāti Ruapani, ko Ngāti Hikairo, ko Rongowhakaata, ko Te Aitanga a Mahaki, ko Ta Imi Moriori o Rēkohu – Hokomenetai, Me Rongo.

Passed peacefully on Saturday 12th March 2022 after a short illness. Loved mother of Kiwa, Waata, Reremoana and ‘Mum Mina’ to Maranga, and kōkā, whaea, and whaene to many more. Proud Nan of her mokopuna, staunch cousin and aunty, honest and loyal friend.

A respected kuia, kaikaranga, and more on her marae and strong advocate for te reo Māori and hauora among the wider community.

Miriama will lay at Pūtahi Marae till Wednesday 16th March 2022 where her funeral service will be held at 11.00 am.

COVID: Due to the current red-light restriction’s manuhiri and whānau will be required to be fully vaccinated, show valid vaccine passes, wear masks, and follow Pūtahi Marae Covid protocols at all times to keep everyone safe.

Marae scanning QR codes or signing the visitors’ book is essential for everyone. Hand sanitiser and face masks will be made available if required on arrival before entering the marae.

Please note that Kui Miriama expressed that anyone who is not prepared to follow these tikanga, is feeling unwell, or has in anyway been exposed to Covid to not attend.

He tipua, he taniwha taua kuia nei, ā, ka mau tonu mātau ki tāna i tohutohu mai ai!

BOOKING SYSTEM: We are using the website Doodle to schedule time slots for oncoming groups (20 people max per ope/group). We ask you to coordinate your group/whānau/organisation and submit ONE response to this poll to ensure opportunity for our hapori to mourn and celebrate Kui Miriama safely. Please click on the link below for in-person groups:


It is essential that whānau/groups book their visit and stick to that time. Please check to ensure your whānau/group do not miss your time and respect others time.

ONLINE KARAKIA ZOOM: At 7.30pm on both Monday and Tuesday night we will have a Zoom set up available during karakia for all whānau who would like to join us. To join us VIRTUALLY, please register to receive a link here:


Kia tau ngā manaakitanga o te wāhi ngaro ki runga i a tātau katoa.